Hi there, right now I'm a senior in high school, and I've been accepted to VT as a chemistry major. I know I'd like to do study abroad sometime during college, and thought that Germany or Austria would be the best countries to think about, since I'm in my 5th year of German in high school. I've also visited Germany and Austria in the past on a school trip, and really loved it. The thing is, my university's study abroad program only offers chemistry courses in Germany/Austria in German. I think I would be ok with that, but I was planning on possibly going in my junior year, when physical chemistry is. I'm pretty confident in my German skills, but I don't know how I would fare taking a non-German class in German. I'm also planning on taking a couple German courses at the 300-level in college, so that may help. So, if anyone has experience taking courses in German, was it difficult for you to understand, and do tests and homework? I thought a summer internship may work also
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
I went through a similar thing in spain In my experience i found it easier to take notes and learn certain vocabualery that would help for my classes. If you struggle then you can always ask the teacher after hours for help. A friend of mine got given a human translator :) but you could just settle for an electronic one, not that you would need it if your taking more german courses :) It will be hard in the first week or two but then you settle down and start understanding more. Plus isnt chemistry basically numbers and math? math is a universal subject :D Good luck with your Chem/ German classes.
2 :
You should check out universities @ Norway, Sweden or Finland, as the education is free for International Students like from India. So this would save you from spending lots of money or getting trapped with Education Loan. Just compare it with 25 lakhs tuition fee required to do masters in Australia. So you save 25 lakhs!! Again, do check the official websites, like for Norway it is http://www.studyinnorway.no and search for others. You could have saved a lot of money by doing Bachelors also from Europe. Studies in Europe are way too easy as compared to India. For example, exam answer sheet is of 4 pages only, instead of 32 pages. Professors expect you to write as briefly as possible, and ask 4 question in each exam only.